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Gregg Jones is an award-winning author, historian, investigative journalist, and foreign correspondent. He has been a Pulitzer Prize finalist, a fellow at the Kluge Center and Black Mountain Institute, and a Botstiber Foundation grant recipient. His latest work is a biography of Ben Kuroki, the first Japanese American combat hero of World War II. Most Honorable Son: A Forgotten Hero's Fight Against Fascism and Hate During World War II will be released by Kensington Publishing on July 23, 2024. Jones is also the author of three previous nonfiction books. Honor in the Dust: Theodore Roosevelt, War in the Philippines, and The Rise and Fall of America's Imperial Dream (NAL/Penguin, 2012) was a New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice. Last Stand at Khe Sanh (Da Capo/Perseus, 2014) received the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation's General Wallace M. Greene Jr. Award for Distinguished Nonfiction. His first book, Red Revolution: Inside the Philippine Guerrilla Movement (Westview, 1989), was praised by James Fallows in The Atlantic as a work of "prodigious, often brave reporting" and "an engrossing and highly informative book."